Saturday, May 9, 2015

Reaper Bones Bugbear

 I buckled down this afternoon and finished this guy. I can't really remember all the colors I used (because I used A LOT), but I employed a mix of Vallejo, Citadel, and Reaper paints. I blended colors together on a whim, grabbing whatever was nearby, and experimented until I was happy. He came out looking bright, cartoon-y, and exaggerated--which is what I was going for.

I did write down the skin colors I used. I ended up using more colors than I had originally planned, going back and forth, dulling down highlights with a light wash, and then highlighting again until I was happy. It was pretty time consuming, but I'm quite pleased with the final result. For the sake of remembering in case I paint up a few more of these guys, this is how I did the skin:

1) Basecoat: Vallejo Leather Brown
2) Wash: Citadel Reikland Fleshshade in the recesses
3) Highlight 1: Reaper Master Series Paints (MSP) Oiled Leather on the raised muscles
4) Highlight 2: Reaper MSP Tan Leather
5) Highlight 3: Vallejo Brown Sand
6) Glaze: watered-down Citadel Reikland Fleshshade wash to smooth color transitions
7) Highlight 4: Vallejo Brown Sand again only on raised muscles exposed to sunlight
8) Highlight 5: Vallejo Brown Sand / Citadel White Scare (50:50) on the tips of knuckles, upper lip,
                          ears, shoulders, and other raised muscles exposed to light. (very minimal)

That pink nose cracks me up every time!

It took me a while to decide what colors I would paint the pouch and pants (skirt?!). I think the blue and yellow complement the skin and red fur nicely.

The next project will be a 15mm Ancient Britons (Celtic) army for De Bellis Antiquitatis. I recently met some other historical wargamers at  my local gaming store, so I'm filled with inspiration to get another historical army on the table. (I painted up some 10mm Marian Romans a few years ago but never got to use them in a game.)

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