Sunday, June 8, 2014

15mm Orc and Goblin Army Update #2: Worgs

 I'm still slowly working away on this army.  I painted these guys up the other day and was quite pleased with the results.  The goblin riders with spears are next in the lineup, and hopefully I'll get to them soon.  In case anyone is wondering, here's how I painted these guys.  All of the paints used were from Cidatel.  First, (after priming, of course) I painted the top third of the model in Dryad Bark and the bottom two thirds in Gorthor Brown.  I then mixed these two colors in a ratio of 50/50, and painted the middle area to blend the two colors together.  Next, I drybrushed the lower area with Deathclaw Brown, followed by less and less surface area drybrushed with Karak Stone, Ushabti Bone, and Ulthuan Grey, respectively.  Finally, I used a watered down wash of Reikland Fleshshade, which gave a nice reddish tinge to the model.  All in all, they did not take very long, about an hour or so, and I think they look really good.  I'll post an update of them once the riders are done.  Until next time, folks.