Saturday, May 2, 2015

Reaper Bones Bugbear WIP

 Just in case you were wondering, I do paint other minis besides Orks. I also realize I've been posting a lot of Ork-related things over the last year (or more!). And that's because putting together a Warhammer 40k Ork army is a loooong commitment.

However, I really needed a break from painting green, so I busted out an old Reaper Bones mini I had sitting in the closet for who knows how long. I haven't completed much, just some skin and fur basecoats, and one skin highlight (planning on at least two more highlights), but I'm inspired and aim on getting him done soon. It was really nice to spend a few hours this afternoon on a miniature I can use in a future D&D game or something.

I still haven't decided what color I want to paint his armor, shield, and bad-ass mace.

The patch of fur on his back will be a gray-ish white, I'm thinking.

A little more work this afternoon. Those are dragon scales on his shoulder! This is one nasty bugbear.

I stopped painting at this point since I'm still not sure what color I want to paint everything else. Thoughts?

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