Tuesday, May 26, 2015

15mm Ancient Britons (horsemen)

 There's something to be said about the subtle pleasures of painting 15mm figures; they're not big enough to have to worry about all the fine details and such, but they're also not too small where you can't have any fun. After painting 28mm figures for the last few months, it did take me a little while to get used to painting in this scale. I'm working on a new army for DBA (De Bellis Antiquitatis), a well-known historical wargame. This is one unit of horsemen that will be a part of my Ancient Briton army. In DBA, each army consists of twelve elements, so I've still got eleven more to go. This first unit was more of a test model than anything else. Who knows if I'll ever get to play it? But being able to paint an army for less than $25 bucks is always good in my book. These guys aren't the zenith of my painting ability, but considering that they're merely the size of a U.S. quarter, I'm pretty happy--especially with the horses and freehand shield designs.

Until next time...

I did some research online--and even ordered a few books from Amazon--to make sure I was painting them historically accurate.

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