Friday, December 26, 2014
Terminator Christmas Decoration
Happy holidays, folks! I hope you all had a great Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or Festivus, and that you have a wonderful new year. I finished this guy up last week, but this bottle of Jack Daniels I got as an early Christmas present kinda kept me from posting the final product. Here he is. Sorry for the frosty camera shots. I honestly don't know why they came out this way. I guess my phone was in holiday mode. Until next time
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Deathwing Terminator WIP
No, I'm not dead. It's hard to find the time to paint these days, but I still do so when I can. I pulled this guy out of my 40k Dark Vengeance set a few weeks ago. I basecoated him, and then put him on the shelf for a few weeks. He's obviously not done, but I figured I'd throw something up here to inspire me to get him done that much faster. I'm pretty happy with him so far. I'm trying my best to keep the dark shadows of his armor contrasting with the bright bone color. He's been a chore to paint at times, but I think he'll look great when all is said and done.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Happy Orktober, Folks!
Well, it's been quite a ride since the last "Orktober" post I made last year--an Ork Mek with a Kustom Force Field. This time, I decided to paint the new Painboy Ork model. I've been messing around with my painting technique, and lately have been doing a more cartoon-y style--stark highlights, big contrast, and bright colors. It's less stressful than trying to paint realistically (stress on the word trying), and I find myself enjoying the actual process of painting much more doing things this way. While I was happy with the completed model, I couldn't help myself and finally decided to add a bit of rust on the brassy parts--and blood, lots of blood. Because, you know, it's Halloween season..and...uhh...Oh, who am I kidding? Who needs an excuse to add blood to a crazy-ass Ork?!
My painting station in my shoebox apartment in South Korea
"High five!"
Catch ya next time.
Friday, August 8, 2014
New Ork Codex! And a Few More Boyz
Holy $%!*! I never thought it would actually happen, but the Orks finally got a new codex - the first army codex after Warhammer 40k 7th edition was released back in June. It's not as crazy random as the last codex, and some things were changed that I'm not happy about (the Battlewagon's Deffrolla got nerfed, and the new Mob Rule table is a head scratcher...), but overall, I think we'll do pretty okay in this edition. Anyway, this is a painting blog, so back on topic. In celebration of the new codex, I thought I'd work on a new unit of rank and file boyz. I've only got three done so far, but I've really tried changing my technique. Because the sculpts are so over the top, I wanted to paint them very cartoony and exaggerated. I've stuck to bright colors (yellow is no fun!), and I'm pretty happy with the results so far. For the clothing, I just did thin layers and progressive highlights. The yellows, blues, browns, reds, and greens have several layers and half-steps leading to the final highlight. Again, I used all Citadel paints, and for the sake of remembering the Ork skin color scheme I used, here it is:
1) Waagh! Flesh (watered down)
2) Biel-Tan Green Wash
3) Waagh! Flesh (watered down), keeping wash in the recesses
4) Warboss Green highlight (1:1:1 ratio of paint, water, and Lamhain Medium)
5) Skarsnik Green highlight (1:1:1 ratio of paint, water, and Lamhain Medium)
6) Pallid Wych Flesh very minimal highlight on most raised areas - chin, knuckles, shoulder striations,
elbows, upper lip, some muscles.
7) Light layer of Waywatcher Green glaze (to bring all the greens together)
8) Another light layer of Waywatcher Green glaze once the first one has dried.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
15mm Orc and Goblin Army Update #2: Worgs
I'm still slowly working away on this army. I painted these guys up the other day and was quite pleased with the results. The goblin riders with spears are next in the lineup, and hopefully I'll get to them soon. In case anyone is wondering, here's how I painted these guys. All of the paints used were from Cidatel. First, (after priming, of course) I painted the top third of the model in Dryad Bark and the bottom two thirds in Gorthor Brown. I then mixed these two colors in a ratio of 50/50, and painted the middle area to blend the two colors together. Next, I drybrushed the lower area with Deathclaw Brown, followed by less and less surface area drybrushed with Karak Stone, Ushabti Bone, and Ulthuan Grey, respectively. Finally, I used a watered down wash of Reikland Fleshshade, which gave a nice reddish tinge to the model. All in all, they did not take very long, about an hour or so, and I think they look really good. I'll post an update of them once the riders are done. Until next time, folks.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Dark Angels Tactical Space Marines
Here's another one, folks. I finished these guys up a few weeks ago. Not much to say other than the fact that they took foreeeeeeeverrrrr. I painted them in GW colors. First I painted the whole model in Caliban Green, then gave them a wash of Biel-Tan Green, then went back over the raised areas with Caliban Green. Then came the fun part: painting the highlights. First, I went over each edge, corner, vent, etc. with Warpstone Glow, followed by another round of the same thing with Moot Green. It was a very long process, and the effort was worth it, I think. The red of the guns and shoulder designs are pretty self explanatory, as well as the scrolls and gold bits. They do look a bit better in person, but the photos came out okay.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
15mm Orc and Goblin Army Update #1
I've been painting up a storm the last few days. So far I've been able to finish four units of hordes, one unit of lurkers, one unit of spears, and almost done with my first unit of shooters. These sculpts aren't the greatest, but they're still a lot of fun to paint up! Here's what everything looks like so far (I still need to base them, I know):
Four 'hordes' elements
One 'spears' element
One 'lurkers' element (my favorite so far)
Partially done 'shooters' element
Also, I did some of these dwarfs awhile ago, but I don't think I ever posted them. Once the Orc and Goblin army is done, I will finish the Dwarf army, and then pit them against each other:
The GW figure is just for size comparison
Lastly, as I paint up these armies, I'm also learning the rules for "Hordes of the Things." It usually takes place on a 2'x2' square, which is great since my living quarters aren't that big. I'm not gonna lie, it's not an easy read! The writing is...cryptic (terrible), so sometimes you have to read the same paragraph several times to guess what the heck they are talking about. I've found a lot of good FAQs and forums online, but it's still no easy feat learning this game on your own. Below I've pitted six points of Goblins against six points of Dwarfs. Things aren't looking too good for the Goblins at the moment:
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
안녕하세요 오랜만이죠?
No, there's nothing wrong with your screen; the title of this post is in Korean. I haven't updated anything for about two months because I recently relocated halfway across the globe to The Land of the Morning Calm, or more commonly known, South Korea. This is my fourth time living and working in this lovely country, and things are even better this year since I brought all my painting stuff with me. Since I came here in February, I've painted a Dark Angels tactical squad from the 40k Dark Vengeance set, but I still need to get a decent camera before I post pictures--they took foreeeeever. Here's a picture of my recent project: a 15mm Orc and Goblin army for Hordes of the Things. It's not much, but now that I'm settled, I'll be posting (semi-) frequently again. Oh, and if you're wondering, the title of this post means "Hello. Long time no see, right?" 다음에 봐요 ^^
I still need a cool name for the Orc Chieftain leading this army. Any ideas?
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Orc Big Boss 'Chief Scarsnout'
After counting up all the vote--yes, as in the singular noun--I went ahead and did some blue and white warpaint on this green fella. I kept it to a minimum, however, because I like how his skin turned out; I was able to (kind of) pull off painting muscle fibers on his shoulders and some other areas, so I didn't want to cover all that hard work. Anyway, here his is, ready to chop somebody's head off--probably not cleanly, too, looking at that crude axe.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Savage Orc Big Boss (WIP)
Howdy, folks. I finished this guy up about twenty minutes ago, but I'm having a bit of a painter's dilemma here, and I'd like your opinion. Should I keep this guy as is, or should I add some blue warpaint (maybe a stripe or something down his face, and a few bands around his arms or legs)? I like the way he looks now, but I'm on the fence if I wanna move on to another figure, or give him said warpaint. Post a comment and let me know what you think.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Furioso Dreadnought
Say what?! Another post in the same week? I know. Crazy, right? I've taken a bit of a break from my orks and started working on some Blood Angels. My goal was to paint the smoothest red possible. I made the horrible mistake of priming this model--and a squad of 10 assault marines I'm almost finished with--in brown. Painting red over that was a ginormous pain. What you're looking at is about 10-15 really thin coats of red to make sure it went on as smoothly as possible. There are definitely mistakes here and there, but I really like how the wings came out. I ended up painting them grey, and then white. After that, I made my own wash out of turquoise paint, and then did a final highlight with white. It's simple, but a nice variation from the grey and white wings you see on Blood Angels more often than not. I used some Citadel texture paint to create a snowy base.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Dakka Jet!
Happy New Year, all! I've got quite a few things I'd been painting over the last few months, but never got around to posting them. I'll be putting them up throughout the next few weeks, though. Here's one I'm really happy with. The Ork flyers are a lot of fun to paint and assemble. They've got so many options to choose from, but I went with the dakkajet. I did quite a bit of experimenting on this one, and things turned out pretty okay. I based it in brown, and then drybrushed several layers of yellow with about a total of 3 highlight colors. It ended up looking way too pretty, so then I set about dirtying it up. It's a mixture of washes with browns and blacks, and stippling with browns and oranges. I went a bit overboard with the exhaust fume stains, but it adds to the orkiness of the model, me thinks. I can't really explain the method to the madness here; I just kinda went nuts. I almost went cross-eyed working on the cockpit panels, but it was worth the effort. Oh, I used some of the new Citadel technical paints on the rusted out bomb sticking out of the ground for the base. Let me know what you think.
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