Wednesday, April 30, 2014

안녕하세요 오랜만이죠?

 No, there's nothing wrong with your screen;  the title of this post is in Korean.  I haven't updated anything for about two months because I recently relocated halfway across the globe to The Land of the Morning Calm, or more commonly known, South Korea.  This is my fourth time living and working in this lovely country, and things are even better this year since I brought all my painting stuff with me.  Since I came here in February, I've painted a Dark Angels tactical squad from the 40k Dark Vengeance set, but I still need to get a decent camera before I post pictures--they took foreeeeever.  Here's a picture of my recent project: a 15mm Orc and Goblin army for Hordes of the Things.  It's not much, but now that I'm settled, I'll be posting (semi-) frequently again.  Oh, and if you're wondering, the title of this post means "Hello.  Long time no see, right?"  다음에 봐요 ^^

                      I still need a cool name for the Orc Chieftain leading this army.  Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Keeping busy I see. I just got a bunch of lesser gnome and reaper bones minis. Looks like I'll be painting for a while. Jason is hosting a painting meetup on Saturday. Hopefully, I can get a few good tips there.
