Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dark Angels Tactical Space Marines

 Here's another one, folks.  I finished these guys up a few weeks ago.  Not much to say other than the fact that they took foreeeeeeeverrrrr.  I painted them in GW colors.  First I painted the whole model in Caliban Green, then gave them a wash of Biel-Tan Green, then went back over the raised areas with Caliban Green.  Then came the fun part: painting the highlights.  First, I went over each edge, corner, vent, etc. with Warpstone Glow, followed by another round of the same thing with Moot Green.  It was a very long process, and the effort was worth it, I think.  The red of the guns and shoulder designs are pretty self explanatory, as well as the scrolls and gold bits.  They do look a bit better in person, but the photos came out okay.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Derek. I like the highlighting on the green armor.
