Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Happy Orktober!

 It's that time of year again--falling leaves, pumpkin spice beer, cloudy afternoons and, of course, MORE ORKS than you can swing a Thunderhammer at.  I finally finished up a Big Mek with his Kustom Force Field.  It had been sitting on the painting bench since early summer.  When I bought him, I realized much too late that it was a dreaded Finecast sculpt.   Upon opening the package, this model had more holes than Swiss cheese.  I spent a few days messing around with 'green stuff' (never ever again!), got frustrated, and set it back on the table to collect cobwebs for a few months.  I'm not sure what exactly came over me, but I decided to ork-up and just finish it.  I'm surprisingly quite pleased with how it turned out; however, it was the least fun and most tedious model I've tried painting to date--all the little wires, cables, chains, buttons, etc.  Not to mention that painting over primed Finecast--at least in my experience--gives a lot of friction against the brush.  I'm glad it's done, that's for dang sure.

I've also got some Lootas I finished up a while ago (I think I posted the first one back in May), but never got around to finishing.  Additionally, I was able to get my hands on some Meganobz--Ork Nobz covered in thick, cumbersome Mega armor--cheap on Ebay.  They were already painted, but I just cleaned them up a bit and added my own little orky flair to individualize each of the six models.   Lastly, I used some styrene sheet to cut up my own orky Aegis defense line that my squishy Lootas can fire at from behind, hopefully allowing their green butts to stay on the battlefield a turn or two longer before being blown into obscurity by lascannons, or Mork knows what else exists out there in the 40k universe.  That's about it for this post.

May your WAAAAGHs be a plenty this festive and bestive Orktober!

The Big Mek...He needs a name still.  Any suggestions?

And his Kustom Force Field


The one with the cigar cracks me up every time I look at it


Orky Aegis Defense Line

Stay behind cover, boys

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