Sunday, March 29, 2015

Gorkanaut WIP #2

 This guy's still not 100% finished, but I got a bit of work done on him this weekend. I probably could have done quite a bit more, but I had to assemble, prime, and paint a new Killa Kan on Saturday a few hours right before a game where I needed it. (I'll have a--out of focus--pic of that, too.)  The Gorkanaut should be completely finished, based, and ready to shoot the $%!& out of anything in its way for a game this coming weekend.  The arms and legs are attached, but I still need to do the right arm, paint the driver and gunner, highlight a few red parts, weather the metal parts (really looking forward to that!), add a good amount of wear and tear--especially on the lower part, and finally, do the base.

Lookin' sexy

The checker pattern wouldn't look right all super clean.

Oh yeah! Lot's of hurt coming out of those barrels.

Ok, Mr. Gorkanaut, you just had to steal the shot when I'm trying to show off a model I painted up this weekend, didn't you? (I still forgive you, because you're awesome.)

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Gorkanaut WIP #1

  I assembled and primed this monstrosity a few weeks ago...and then left him to collect dust--I had no idea how I wanted to paint this thing. After a few days of thinking it over, I decided to go with a Goff theme, which means lots of black, white, and red. I finally sat down this weekend and got to work. Painting red and white over black took a long-ass time, so I'm guessing it's going to take a few more weekends until he's ready to do battle (lots and lots of DAKKA!). I am having a lot of fun, though. Here's how he ended up after the first painting session. So far I'm diggin' it.

Getting a nice shade of red (while painting over black) took a lot longer than I initially thought it would. Once it was nice and pretty, I, of course, had to give it a little wear and tear.

If you think red is a pain in the @#$, try painting white over black!

So far so good.

I've had this random grot I painted up a few years ago just sitting around. I figured this would be a good place for him to hang out.

"Wadaya want? Kan't yooz zee Oi'm buzy?"

The legs, crazy weapon-wielding arms, gunner, and driver are all that are next. Hopefully there's another update sooner than later. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Back in the U.S. And a New Camera. And a Battlewagon!

 Hey there, everyone. As you may or may not know (or care), I was in South Korea for a year. I am now back on U.S. soil, and after having refreshed a bit, I've gotten back into the hobby. I finally caught up with the rest of the world and now own a smartphone. The pictures are much better than the ones I was taking with my crappy digital camera since I started this blog. I think now I'll be able to post a lot better quality photos of my painted miniatures, which I'm really darn excited about.

That's about it. Here's a photo of some of my favorite Ork models for Warhammer 40k, and a recently finished Ork Battlewagon.

In the works I've got an Ork Gorkanaut and a squad of the new Ork Flash Gitz--good stuff.

After that, I plan on taking a break from 40k, and getting back into some historical wargaming and painting. I've had my eye on Bolt Action, a World War II skirmish game, for a long time. I can't wait to paint up some U.S. soldiers, and of course some Sherman tanks!

Until next time.

I painted some of this while abroad last year, and some are much older. 

This Battlewagon was a lot of fun. I think I went a bit crazy with the weathering, though.

The rust was actually done by drybrushing brown and orange paint.

Just after running over a squad of 'Sperce Mu-rurns'.