Here's a new mini I quickly painted up this week. I've been working on (and off) a 15mm Orcs and Goblins army for Hordes of the Things (HOTT), and this was the last guy on the table--patiently waiting over six months to get finished. I put him off for so long because I didn't know how I wanted to paint him. I didn't want to paint him green or brown. I finally decided to go with blue, like he's some kind of ice troll. I really like his pose. In my Orcs and Goblins army, this guy actually functions as artillery, hurling big-ass boulders at the enemy. If you're interested in where I found him, I ordered him from They have all kinds of cool stuff for very reasonable prices. (And no, I am not being endorsed by them, but that would be pretty cool if were.) I'm happy with how the blue skin came out. I'm really trying to work on my blending and highlighting. I ended up using several layers of blue before reaching the final highlight. All in all, I had a blast with this one. I think I'll be able to paint up one or two more minis before I move back to the US at the end of next month, where I will finally buy a decent camera and re-upload all the pictures of this blog with better quality photos. Oh, before I forget, I made a Facebook page, too. Check it out at
Until next time.
Compared to the rest of my 15mm goblins, this guy is huuuge!
It took me a while to figure out what I would do with the scaly parts of his back. They kind of look like green wings, which I'm okay with!