Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tankbustas and Death Guard OSL

  I'm a pretty happy camper right now.  I entered my first 40k tournament over the weekend...and ended up getting 2nd place!  Not to shabby for playing Orks (an army whose codex is two editions behind...)  The dice were on my side and my list ended up working out pretty well.  At the last minute I painted up some Tankbustas, who basically shoot rokkits and throw bombs at vehicles.  Lot's of explosions--sometimes accidentally on the receiving end; such is Orks!  I finished painting them up today, and got back to my Plague Marines as well.  Trying to do OSL proved very challenging, and hopefully my skill will have improved the next time I attempt it

The Nob, Gas Guzzla, who leads the Tankbustas into the heat of the battlefield

Ready to blow something up

3/10 done

Friday, September 6, 2013

Death Guard Progress Report

Howdy, folks!  I'ts been a few weeks, but I've still been painting away.  My latest project is a unit of Death Guard Plague Marines.  I just gotta say these guys are so f@*%ing cool.  They're basically Chaos Space Marines who worship Nurgle, the god plague and disease.  In return Grandfather Nurgle has gifted his favored sons with putrid flesh and pestilence to spread across the galaxy...

Death Guard: Aaaaaand you're dead...

I'm almost done with the unit of six Plague Marines and one Plague Champion.  I won't go into too much detail about my painting method--I just kinda went with my instinct, and I don't remember exactly all the colors I used etc.  I attempted some new techniques on these guys, most notably, my first-ever attempt at OSL, which I'm fairly happy with, but I definitely need to study how light reflects off of objects more;  it's a work in progress... I've got two guys just about finished, so I'll leave them for you to check out.  I should have the rest done by next week.

Two Plague Marines.  Not the best lighting, and my feeble attempt at OSL on the right guy.  I'm still debating if I should have light reflecting off of his rusty plague knife.  

This over-exposed shot brings out the OSL much better I think...

All kinds of fleshy mutations...

...and, of course, rust pigments!

That's all, folks.