Monday, April 29, 2013
High Elf Chariot
Hey folks! (Oh, who am I kidding? Nobody reads this.). I know every post starts with, "It's been a while since I've posted, but I've been really busy, yada, yada, yada." I just want to clarify that I do have plenty of free time, perhaps a bit too much. Laziness, however, seduces me into not posting on here as often as I'd like. Here's a Warhammer Fantasy model I spent a good deal of time working on. I bought it for myself as a birthday present back in March. I painted the two elves and one lion, and then ran out of steam, setting it on the painting table until this past weekend. I'm still not sure which was more difficult: Gluing all the pieces together so they fit, or painting the darn thing. I still consider myself a n00b at painting (hence the title of this blog), but I think this model is one of my better attempts. I won't talk too much about the techniques I used, paint schemes, etc. But I did come up with this weird drybrush/stippling thingy for the final layer to get the lions to look furry. The technique works just as it sounds: Take a drybrush with just a hint of paint, and just stipple layer after layer of your color of choice . For this model I did a watered down base coat of Citadel's Steel Legion Drab, followed by a wash of Seraphim Sepia, followed by another light coat of Steel Legion Drab (avoiding the recesses), and a final few drybrush/stipplings of Karak Stone. For the chariot and bow, I used Ushabti Bone. I have to say this is one of my favorite colors. It's just and creamy. I considered putting it in my coffee, but that thought could have just come from all the paint fumes. The armor was done wit a base coat of Leadbelcher, followed by a blue wash (can't remember the name), and then a drybrush highlight of Runefang Steel.
I've painted up other things since the last time I posted. I'll (hopefully) get those up pretty soon. I have a unit of Chaos Daemon Plaguebearers that I had a lot of fun working on. Ok, on with the show. Please excuse the absurd amount of pictures here:
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