Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dwarfs, Skeletons, and Romans--Oh My!

 Just a few shots of things I'm working on...

                             Do the eyes first just to get them out of the way.
Yes, I know they look crazy, but the eyes will get smaller once
the highlighting and detailing time comes.

                                                       Like this...
...and this.

Experimenting with different colors for skeletons

Different rusting effects.

15mm Early Imperial Roman Auxilia.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Big Ass Update

 The holidays, work, and the flu have prevented me from being active on this blog the past few weeks.  The good news is that I've gotten quite a bit of painting done.  I finally have 1,000 points for my 40k Orks!  I'll probably come back to it and paint 1,000 more points, but I need a change of pace;  I've always been more of a fantasy lover than sci-fi.  A few days ago I went down to the gaming store and picked up some new models--Warhammer Fantasy Dwarf Warriors.  I painted the first one up as a tester model.  I'm happy with how it turned out and will paint the remaining 15 models using the same colors, but varying which parts of clothing get what color.  The unity of the warriors will be in the same color shields.  I need a break from painting greenskins.  Oh, which reminds me, over the Christmas weekend I painted up 5 Ork Nobz.  So, here's a few shots of those Nobz and my first Dwarf Warrior.