Sunday, May 17, 2015

More Orks!!!

Look, I've painted a lot of Ork boys--over 120 of them, in fact. Some of them may or may not be just green skin and black clothing. Can you blame me? It's tough to find the time and energy to paint up each boy all fancy schmancy. But I'm slowly trying to resolve that. I got tired of looking at green and black on the battlefield, so I'm doing them in batches of ten and taking my time, painting them up however I see fit. There's no way I'm painting all 100+ the same way, though. There are two good reasons for this: the first is that it is mind-numbingly boring. And the second reason is that my army consists of a bunch of small Ork tribes (yeah, I made some of them up. What's it to ya?!) all united under my warboss, Jack Bloodspilla'. So there ya go. There's no way I have the discipline to paint an army of Space Marines...

 Here's a test model I did today for the current batch of ten. They say you never see an Ork in purple, so I though't I'd go with that. I thought the turquoise and light brown went nicely with the purple and green. WAAAGH!