Monday, May 27, 2013

Ork Loota

 That greenskin itch has returned!  I decided to add a unit of Lootas to my (slowly) increasing 40k Ork army.  Lootas seem pretty fun to play on the table;  just keep them back so they can fire D6 Strength 7 shots at a whopping 48"!  I started batch painting five of them this weekend.  I decided to complete one as a test model today, though.  I keep wanting to post pictures of my progress as I work on a model, but as I paint, I can't pull myself away from the table long enough to take pictures.  It'll happen one day--probably not. Not much to say, really.  I had fun messing around with colors and highlights.  I was searching around on Google for some inspiration.  I really like the idea of the guns painted red with orange-ish highlights.  The extra fine detail brushes work really well for this.  Oh, btw, painting red on black is a huuuuge pain.  I finally realized--about halfway through painting the gun-- that I should have painted a layer of grey first where I would later paint red.  I need to remember to do that while I finish up the other four models...  Here's the first finished one (but not based yet):

This checker pattern probably took half a dozen times to do.  Still not totally content, but it does look orky.

Dakka dakka dakka dakka....

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